We are thrilled about the invitations we are receiving to host “Women Veterans ROCK! Day” at colleges and universities throughout the nation. We have accepted many invitations and will now be co-hosting Women Veterans ROCK! Day on Campus at various colleges and universities in our National Affiliate Network.
This means that our original signature program—The Women Veterans ROCK! Rally and Veterans Day Celebration—is now available to student veterans and girls in military families who are on college campuses. Women Veterans ROCK! Day will be co-hosted on campus, one day a month, to aid and support Women Veterans and Military Families in the areas of: On-Campus Advocacy; Military Benefits; Peer Coaching; Professional Networking; Workforce & Leadership Development; and Cultivating Community-Based Networks for transitioning and relocated Military Families.
Women Veterans ROCK! Day is our new on-campus signature program designed to engaged and empower America’s Women & Girls In Military Families on college campuses too!
Interested in hosting a Women Veterans ROCK! Day on YOUR Campus? Enter your information in the form below to learn how you can join the campaign!
Women Veterans ROCK! Day
I’d like to learn more about your Women Veterans Rock college campus edition. We are interested in bringing it to Kutztown University of PA.
I can be reached at 610-223-0665.
Thank you for all you do.